Margin értékek: margin CSS jellemző tulajdonságai
Undeclared values work as further shorthand notation. If only one length value is declared, all four margins will use that length. If two lengths are declared, the top and bottom margins will use the first length while the right and left margins will use the second length. If three lengths are declared, the top margin will use the first length, the right and left margins will use the second length, and the bottom margin will use the third length.
div { margin:5px; }
div { margin:5px 10px; }
div { margin:5px 7px 4px; }
Alapértelmezett érték: | nincs |
Öröklődő tulajdonság: | nem |
Media besorolás: | visual |
Csoport besorolás: | margin értékek |
Kompatibilitás: CSS 1, CSS 2, CSS 2.1, CSS 3,